Plugging along...
I am getting anxious to see this sweet little girl. I am just about 23 1/2 weeks I think. So almost 6 months?! Today I went to a pilates class with a friend thinking that I wouldn't be able to do all of it (like the laying on your stomach stuff)... Well, apparently big bellies and pilates don't go together all that well... and neither does trying to keep your "tummy tight" and pregnancy. I had to leave the class midway through and go run... Afterall I didn't want to waste an hour of my kids enduring childcare on sitting on a mat watching everyone "keep their (already tight) tummy's tight." Thank goodness I did get a good workout in and still picked up my sweet boys before they were totally sick of the childcare. No more pilates... at least for a few months.
It feels like August is years away. And it also feels like December (when I found out I was pregnant) was years ago. How long is a typical pregnancy? Surely not years?!